The Snail Factory

Jerry's Janitorial Hijinks

The Snail Factory

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These copyright free blue "Bubbling Scrubbles" were invented by Dr. Rhizo in early 1938 to pick out valuable items from the Snail Factory waste sectors. Soon after they proved far more useful and by 1941, they comprised almost the entire janitorial staff.

The Scrubbles are not only capable of identifying valuable items, but also edible items which they themselves consume in order to reproduce. This would later cause problems as they evolved into smaller and smaller Scrubbles, eventually recognizable as a "Blue Goo" which would devour any substance as it replicated more and more of itself. The gluey substance proved nearly impossible to stop, until finally a species of blue-goo chewing goose, called the "Goo Goose" was engineered by Dr. Geisel of Springfield, Massachusetts.